A radiograph — commonly known as an x-ray — is non-invasive medical imaging that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. They involve exposing a part of the patient’s body to a small dose of ionizing radiation. This is done to produce pictures of the inside of the body.
X-rays are the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging — with chest x-rays being the most commonly performed examinations. The procedure is so advanced, it allows medical providers to examine a person’s heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels, as well as the bones.
At St. Hope, our certified, highly-skilled technicians take high-resolution digital x-rays in a comfortable setting, using state-of-the-art technology. Our Imaging Service Department is fully computerized, and we are partnered with Mpire Imaging — off-site, board-certified contracted radiologists that examine each patient’s images and provide timely reports to our referring physicians within 24 hours. STAT (emergency) reads are done within two to four hours.
Mpire Imaging is committed to offering the highest-quality service possible. Whether you are a patient or a referring physician, there are many advantages to the accuracy of our radiology experts — made even easier by the ability to magnify digital images to view additional structures.
Instead of using traditional films to study images, digital x-rays use flat panels that significantly improve the quality of the images — in turn providing physicians with the ability to provide a more accurate diagnosis. Images can be reviewed in seconds, and radiation exposure is much lower than with traditional x-rays.
Prior to going into the imaging room, the patient may be asked to change into a gown. Once ready, a technologist on staff will assist the patient, giving instructions on where to stand, sit, or lie down while the x-rays are taken. The procedure is completely painless and only takes a few seconds.
X-ray images are created by using radiation. Although they are classed as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization, the benefits far outweigh the risks — especially since the use of radiation is minimal. The effects of radiation are measured by millisievert (mSv). Most people are exposed to about 6.2 mSv per year, just by being out in the sun and other natural chemicals. A traditional x-ray exposes a person to about 0.01 mSv. At St. Hope, we take digital x-rays, which produce 80% less radiation than traditional x-rays — making the procedure at our facilities some of the safest in the country.