St. Hope Healthcare is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community healthcare organization that was established in November 1999. St. Hope is recognized as a Patient-Centered Medical Home by the National Committee of Quality Assurance (NCQA). Our organization was created in response to the growing need for innovative, effective healthcare, designed to provide quality services to reduce health disparities within Houston, Texas and rural counties. We serve patients from various disease states that include, but are not limited to, heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, obesity, high blood pressure, gout, skin disorders, cancer, and mental health.
As a comprehensive, federally-qualified Health Center (FQHC), St. Hope targets unmet needs and gaps in health-related services, fostering client-centered programs to meet these necessities.
Within the last 23 years of service, St. Hope has performed routine health screenings for more than 30,000 people and has been a key prevention contractor for the City of Houston, DHHS, Bureau of HIV/STD and Viral Hepatitis Prevention, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
St. Hope Healthcare receives funding through several financing streams, including HRSA, Ryan White, Centers for Disease Control, DSHS, City of Houston, The Simmons Foundation, and several private foundations
Fast Facts
November 1999
13 Members
21,012 SHF Clients Served
194 Total Employees (African American – 46%; Latino – 35%; White – 17%; Asian – 2%)
38 Management (African American – 47%; Latino – 36%; White – 17%)
40 Medical Doctors / Physician Assistants / Dentists
123 Medical and Dental Staff
21 Prevention Staff
23 Administration Support Staff
39 Volunteers
3,871 Targeted HIV/STI Screenings (3.05% HIV+; 1.03% new HIV+; 4.02% STI+)
Client Demographics
Are you looking to join a dynamic team of passionate healthcare professionals to gain new experiences and advance your career? We are always looking for talented people to join our organization with strong values, positive attitudes, and leadership skills.
Do you want to make a difference in a particular field you are passionate about? Do you want to gain new skills and provide support to a certain cause? Do you have talents that can be used to help others in your community? We would love for you to get involved!
Looking for more information about the St. Hope Foundation? We’ve got lots to share! Discover facts about our organization, strategic plans, annual reports and more at the link below.