Do you want to make a difference in a particular field you are passionate about? Do you want to gain new skills and provide support to a certain cause? Do you have talents that can be used to help others in your community?
St. Hope Foundation participates in a number of activities each year and is always in need of helping hands. Our volunteers receive personal one-on-one training and are given the opportunity to apply their skills in a number of our programs. Many have participated in our annual testing events, fundraisers, and galas. Volunteers should come to work with a committed attitude and the personal satisfaction of making a difference.
“The reason I volunteer is not for what I give, nor for what I get, but for what I become in the process.”
If you are interested in volunteering with St. Hope Foundation, please complete and submit the form below.
Looking for more information about the St. Hope Foundation? We’ve got lots to share! Discover facts about our organization, strategic plans, annual reports and more at the link below.