With 21 years in Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, and Ambulatory Care, Dr. Laveda Lynn Roberts is a force to be reckoned with. Prior to St. Hope Healthcare, she managed retail clinics, providing care to both pediatrics and adults, and owned a skilled and long-term practice. Dr. Roberts APRN DNP AAHIVS AACRN, CDCES started at UTHSC (University of Texas Health Science Center) completed at Walden University. Furthermore, Dr. Roberts has received specialized training in Botox as well.
Dr. Roberts also served as an adjunct clinical professor for Texas Woman’s University in Critical Care and Trauma and lectured at NCNP on the treatment of hypertension. For much of her career, she has focused on cardiac diseases, including hypertension and cardiovascular, especially with co-morbid illness of diabetes. Prior to nursing, Dr. Roberts had a career in financial analysis and network communications. She is married, has three adult children in Oklahoma, two chihuahuas and one cat.
Growing up in poverty in a rural area, doctors and nurses were held in high esteem but healthcare was so expensive. My parents struggled to get us and themselves the care we needed. We do not know what struggles patients overcome to get to us.
It is so important when patients come to see us, we see them! I want to provide them quality care, and use evidence base guidelines.
Desire to help people in same need I experienced as a child