By: Sabrina Charrier, OD, FAAO
With this pandemic, many people have a new normal of working from home. This has brought on more hours of sitting in front of computers, laptops, and phones. Personally, I’m still lucky enough to be in the office every day as your local friendly eye doctor but I’ve been on more video phone calls in the past few months than I have ever been in my entire life. Add on top of that online homeschooling for kids, virtual happy hours, and video phone calls with my friends and family, and my screen time has exponentially increased. I know I’m not alone. I also know this has affected many eyes. Common symptoms include eye strain, headache, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. Need a little relief? Try the five suggestions below to help with those extended hours in front of devices.
Come see your friendly neighborhood optometrists at St. Hope Foundation for your regular eye examinations or for any questions or concerns. Even a small uncorrected prescription or more advanced case of dry eye can cause many issues. We will give you recommendations for your particular situation and can discuss the best treatment plans for your eyes.